Thursday, August 18, 2011

28 days...

28 days is not that long... its less than a month, unless you are speaking of February, which I am not because is such a miserable month (weather speaking, not referring to my niece and nephews bdays!) and thats why it's so short, because nobody would want a 31 day February. Anyways, as I was saying 28 days is not to far away...the countdown is on, as is the (self induced) pressure. After completing school, graduating, and going through what seemed like 2 days orientation at my new job (but I assure you was much longer :) ) the day of taking boards is only 28 days away. I have every day between now and then mapped out with study plans, and if all goes well, I will be taking them September 15th. Sooo… I am hoping I can stay motivated between now and then to keep on my study plan, and PASS BOARDS! Wish me luck!

1 comment:

Drew Shahandeh said...

Just know I'm there for you!!!