All week I have been focusing story time on what this week means to us, as Christians, and she has several Bibles that help explain the events leading up to Easter, in a kid-friendly way, so we have been reading these frequently this week, as well as drawing “t’s” which are crosses, and what this represents, and how Jesus had to carry his own cross. This is a very graphic topic, but it is one I think is so important for her to understand the magnitude of Gods love for us that He would do this for us. This is what our whole week has been focused on, and I thought I was doing a pretty good job, until prayer time came on Thursday night…” Dear Jesus, thank you so much for letting your son die on the cross for our sins so we don’t have to… it must have hurt and you were sad, and maybe one day I will learn what sin is at school, because I don’t know what it is, Amen.” Isn’t it funny the words you just assume they know? So although we have now determined my failure as a preschool teacher, on to our real Easter! This morning we enjoyed a wonderful sermon, followed by baking, and some time with family. Although we do give her an Easter basket, we don’t teach her about any sort of Easter bunny, so I was throne off by her question, “Mama, what does a bunny have to do with Jesus dying on the cross?” For once she seemed satisfied with an I don’t know answer! Thank goodness! Hope everybody had a wonderful Easter!
Emilia loving on her cousin, Lily...
Chris took these photos while they listened intently about the rules of the egg hunt (to ensure they helped each other all get some!)
They all helped each other find one of each color (per said rules!)
Picture Hudson saying, "its right here Lily!" and then screaming, "Over HERE LILY!!"
Then we went to Chris's brother in law and sister's house to see some more cousins... which included this pretty girl...
And Emilia's tallest cousin, Payton, who was nice enough to hide the eggs, and I wish I had the camera out when him and her were running around the house, hiding and looking for the Easter bunny. Hopefully Tom sends us copies, but just picture Emilia on his shoulders, and him standing behind a tree, with his legs sticking out below, and her head sticking out above... it was quite entertaining!