Saturday, April 9, 2011


So I am way behind on updating, which is a good sign, because today I completed my 3rd full day of 12 hour day clinicals. Prior to my surgery, I had asked my sunday school class to pray for quick healing, because my doctor recommended 3 weeks off, but agreed to release me when I felt well enough, and was no longer requiring pain medication. He kind of laughed when I asked to go back in 10 days, but God answered our prayers and I was able to return exactly 10 days post operation. I am not going to paint a rosy picture and say these three days were easy, but with ibuprofen, tylenol, ice, heat, and much prayer, I was able to make it through the days and do my job. I have much more to update, as far as what was found during surgery, and what to expect in the future, but right now I am exhausted, and I can hear 3 little ones giggling, which means Emilia and her cousins, who are sleeping over, have found something better to do than sleep, so I must intervene! In the meantime, I had set up a blog for my parents to keep us updated as to my dads daily appointments at the Mayo clinic... if you will remember I was supposed to go but my surgery got in the way, so I thought the next best way to stay updated was a daily play by play/test by test blog! Please keep them in your prayers through this journey, and if you want to see how God has already blessed our family this week, you can read it at I prayed for a miracle healing, or that he had been misdiagnosed last fall, and I think we are seeing answers to so many prayers!

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