Saturday, July 11, 2009


This is probably going to end up as the world's longest posting, but here's a summary and some photos (out of the 1,200 I took) of our trip! We left Sunday night at 8pm and drove until 130 am... and Emilia didn't sleep at all! Chris, Emilia, Danny and I were in one vehicle with my mom, Heather, Hannah, and Hudson in the other. Emilia did great on the car ride, and thought it was great that she got to sleep with us at the hotel. We got up at 630 am, and ate breakfast at the hotel then headed to Denver. Emilia was easily entertained on the trip and even took a little nap. We arrived in Denver and had a yummy lunch at Pat and Donna's house. The kids were a bit wired from being cooped up in a car, so it was nice to get out and let them play for a bit before we headed up to the cabin.
Heather, Pat, Donna, me & Hannah
Their house had an awesome view of the mountains and they prepared such a wonderful lunch for us. My mom had met them before, but they had not seen Heather and I since we were toddlers! It was great to spend some time catching up!
This was our first up close view of the mountains. Pat was so sweet to stop frequently along the way so we could take photos! These are the roads that made Emilia sick on the way home! (more details later) The Continental Divide... it was 40 degrees up there! Brrr! After we got to the cabin, we all hopped in one vehicle and went to get some dinner... how did I get chosen to ride in the back when I have the longest legs???
Is was a full moon that night!
The cabin
The dirt road to the cabin
There were flowers everywhere that the kids enjoyed picking!
One of our many walks... Emilia, Hudson, Chris and Hannah
Me, Emilia, Hud & Hannah the hummingbirds visited often as did the squirrels
flower picking
I am not sure whether to blame Emilia's behavior on the altitude, lack of naps or overdosing on smores, but her sass was at an all time high for the week... she learned quickly that there are time outs even at Starbucks! This is after one of our disagreements... she was standing in front of Starbucks griping at every customer that left the store. It was HILARIOUS! She did not know that I was taking her photos at this point. I couldn't understand every word she said, but "mean mommy" was frequently used. All the people leaving got a kick out of her, especially when they saw I was photographing the whole thing!
Sassy girl
look closely and you will see the lip pouting!
She quickly discovered the camera and was all smiles again!
all is forgotten!
She looks so sweet and innocent here!
If a camera does not work, there is always tickling!
There was an incident with salsa that ended up with
Hannah needing a new outfit...
no names will be mentioned as to the guilty party...
okay it was my mom! :)
The Alpine slide in Winter Park Resort was a slide that went down the side of the mountain... very fun! It is side by side slides that are 3,030 feet long!
Hannah on the slide
Me and Hannah
even the chipmunks liked the slide
jumping was fun, although made me a bit dizzy!
Emilia found a short cut during her 1st time playing miniature golf...
she just climbed up and threw the ball through the hole rather than putting it!
Smart girl!
watching Hudson sleep in the car seat
Chris making our marshmallow sticks with Hannah
Smore time!
Singing songs
fun at the playground her 1st soda EVER... a McDonald's sprite
me and Hannah getting ready to jump again!
upside down
very high
Emilia's 1st time on a rock climbing wall
such a biggie girl!
me and Emilia
much harder than it looked!
chatting with Hudson at the icecream shop Emilia sharing her icecream so cute enjoying her treat admiring all the goodies Hudson lead us through the entire maze quite quickly Emilia and her new moose and tshirt that she picked herself a Starbucks addict... vanilla creme frappuccino... yumm! Hud Something was apparently VERY funny!
Hud and aunt Heathe kissing Emilia tired boy me, Chris and Emilia best buds camp fire time again!
Hannah, Chris and the kiddos We rented bikes and the kids had fun riding along! We found a spring beside the bike trail that Hud wanted NOTHING to do with!
Not impressed!
Emilia, on the other hand, wanted to touch the freezing cold water, so we climbed down the edge to feel it! our biking destination was Emilia's favorite ice cream shop!
her 1st sour gummie worm the biking crew 1st trip on the monkey bars sunset that evening only casualty during the trip... Chris misunderstood the term
tree hugger.....
and used my sisters new car to hug the tree!
poor tree... and SUV.
Deja vous of the family trip 7 years ago when Chris and Hannah (@ 18 months old) spent every morning on the pull out couch watching movies.
This time they were watching " Whose line is it Anyway?"
the cabin at night view from the living room On the way home, Emilia barfed EVERYWHERE and got a side of the road bath and change of clothes while I cleaned out her carseat. Aparently the curvy drive around the continental divide is not a good idea on a full stomach! Poor girl! All in all it was a great trip, full of 1st for Emilia, and all the kids had a great time. We drove home in 1 day, but Emilia did really well on the road trip... thank goodness for portable DVD players and lots of books and puzzles!

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