Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Emilia's Interview

Today was our 2nd "play" interview at Emilia's new preschool, and it went much better than the last one... for me, at least! Emilia did great both times, but I thought I might cry any minute on our 1st visit, just at the thought of leaving her with anyone, let alone the fact that she is getting so big, and will now have her own little "social life" without me. I only almost cried twice today, and one of those times she pointed to the door and told me to "GO MOMMY!" That would make anybody cry, right? Anyway this little place I am taking her is so adorable, and I have known the teachers for years, so that helps with the apprehension a little. I am only sending her two days a week, just so I will have time to study, which makes it even harder to leave her with somebody else, because I will be home since my two classes this semester are online. My 4 year old nephew, Garrett, goes there now, and my niece Hannah previously went there, so that also helps to know that it is a positive environment for little ones. I am supposed to drop her off tomorrow and actually leave her for the morning... we'll see how that goes! I will post photos tomorrow, and we will see who cries more!

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