Wednesday, July 30, 2008

and then there were tears...

Emilia made it through her first morning at preschool. Everything went pretty well... I pulled up to the preschool and she was very excited. We walked to the door and I handed her to Laurel, one of the teachers, and then just left. There were no tears! I was driving away and reached into the back seat to get my cell phone out of my purse and caught a glance of her empty car seat and totally lost it. I had to pull over, and almost turned around to go back and get her but decided not to be one of "those" moms! I spent the whole morning at a Starbucks less than two miles away just in case it didn't go well. I tried to resist calling, but after about an hour I gave in and called and they said she was doing wonderfully. My heart dropped about an hour later when Laurel called me, and I thought something was wrong, but she just wanted to know if Emilia had any favorite animals... they were picking out pictures to decorate her box next to her name. Then they put these same animals on her chair, hand towel spot, toothbrush, etc... so she will associate it with her name. Anyway all that to say she was still doing great, and hadn't really noticed my absence. I showed back up during lunch, and I don't think she ever realized I was gone! I would have felt horrible if she cried when I left, but I never realized how badly unneeded I would feel when she didn't cry! They said she was perfect, and she even went potty for them twice! Yea Emilia! Oh, but she did try to eat part of a styrofoam toy... oh well, no one can expect her to be perfect all the time! I was so happy when I picked her up to see everything went well, but it was so good to have her back home this afternoon!

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