Friday, July 25, 2008

Somebody's Pregnant!

Okay, first of all it is not me, but today I found out one of my really good friends is expecting her first baby! I cannot disclose her identity, though, until she decides to make the pregnancy public knowledge... she won't be able to hide it for long, though! Anyway... you know who you are, so I will just give you a very public congratulations, and know that I don't to well with secrets! I admit, I did slip up to Emilia, and she was very excited as well! Today was nothing exciting, unless you find Costco invigorating. Oh, and watching Nemo for the 100th time this week. There are several parts that scare Emilia, though, so we have to fast forward through over half the movie... specifically the parts with sharks and pirahnas. She will be very suprised to find out that Nemo is more than 30 minutes long, but for now we'll keep her in the dark. I made the mistake of letting her watch part of it one time when my 7 year old niece came over, and she has been obsessed every since! Things aren't going as quickly as planned in uploading Emilia's old photos and videos, but they will eventually make it onto our blog!

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