Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Crown Center

Chris took nearly 2 weeks off work for the holidays, so we have been quite busy doing fun things with Emilia since we do not usually have many days off together. Today we decided to take her down to crown center to see the ice skaters, crayola cafe, and to take her to Kaleidoscope for the first time. She was a little overwhelmed at Kaleidoscope, but seemed to enjoy running around the chaotic crowd as much as she enjoyed the art projects. She was quite fascinated with the ice skaters... hopefully she'll be big enough to actually skate next year... and not so clumsy! There were so many cute shops to see at Crown Center, she loved the Crayola store. There were pictures flashing on the floor and she kept trying to run away from them which was quite humorous. When we left, she was asleep before we even got to the highway. She was so sleepy that she even stayed asleep once we got home, so we put her in bed for the rest of nap time. After she got up, we dropped her off at Aunt Pam's house to play for a bit because Chris and I had dinner reservations at Marina Grog & Galley. The restaurant is right on the lake and they have the BEST food... definitely my favorite place to eat.

Monday, December 29, 2008

Merry Christmas

Goodness, the last week went so quickly I didn't even realize I hadn't posted holiday photos! So here is our holiday summary... Christmas Eve we carried out the annual tradition of going to my sister, Melissa's house. My entire family was there as well as a few people who are "adopted" family members. The food was tasty and abundant... as it always is at our family get togethers! We had planned on only staying a bit and heading home early, but didn't leave until after 10pm... and unfortunately still had things to do for Christmas morning. Many know how I feel about the whole "Santa" aspect of Christmas... call me a pessimist, but I never believed in him and have a hard time teaching my daughter to. Because Emilia is not the only 2 year old in my family, though, (there are 3) I don't want her to spoil it for everybody, because both my sisters still teach their kids about Santa. I figured what could some "reindeer" food and decorated cookies hurt? We do have real deer in our back yard, so putting out reindeer food did not seem too far fetched to her, because she thinks the deer are reindeer. She still has never gone to see Santa... and that's just fine with me! Chris and I were up until about 2:30 am Christmas morning trying to get all her new furniture put together, but finally got it done! My parent's and Uncle Danny came over for breakfast Christmas morning, and we let Emilia sleep in while we ate cinnamon rolls (which she doesn't like)and drank coffee... which was much needed! After Emilia woke up, we made our way down to the Christmas tree, and she was quite excited to find her new baby sitting out for her. When I was growing up, my dad always read the Christmas story from Luke 2 before we opened our gifts, so it was really nice to have him here to read it for us. We all opened our gifts, but because the roads were still slick the day before Christmas, and I refuse to drive on them, Chris's biggest gift was still at Sears since I had ordered it online. He wasn't planning on working on a car that day, though, so he didn't mind! With the help of his dad letting me know what to look for, Emilia and I had gotten him a big jack, jack stands, and reclinable creeper. Kind of a weird Christmas gift, but he asked for it... he likes to change his own oil!! I got my bread slicer and slicer guide, so I was anxious to make bread! I had been making our own bread, but every time I went to slice it, I squished it, so this will definitely come in handy! Emilia was SO excited to see her playroom... although she was a little overwhelmed and did not know what to play with first. Emilia played in her playroom most the morning, and we went to my parents for dinner after nap time. Everybody was at my parents... my sisters, my aunt and uncles, cousins, nieces and nephews and my in laws. The food was great and we all ate way too much! Christmas evening, we went to Chris's sister's house. Chris's niece and her new husband came in town for Christmas, so we were excited to see them. Needless to say, Emilia was a bit over indulged this Christmas, but it will be the last Christmas we can do it and have her not remember it and expect it every year! I hope everybody had a wonderful and safe holiday!
Click to play Christmas Eve & Day

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Drum roll.....

So I began Emilia's playroom mural yesterday at about 2pm and 24 hours later.... finished! I had originally bought wall decals to put on the walls, but then decided I wanted a tree, so bought a 4 foot wall decal tree, but then went to Pottery Barn Kids yesterday to pick up a gift, and I found this butterfly chandelier that I had to get and then saw a bedspread with the cutest trees on it, and got a crazy idea to paint a tree and use different papers, material and tapestry for the leaves for textures.... then off to the craft store and the rest is history. (and yes I know that was a run on sentence :) ) My husband likes to, as he calls it, be realistic, but I call it raining on my parade... so I did not tell him of the new idea until some of the damage was already done! I can't wait until she sees it Christmas morning. Now all we have left to do is put the furniture together, hang the curtains and the butterfly chandelier... here are some pics of the walls.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Nathan Campbell

My day was totally made when I checked out my friend, Caryn's, website about her son, Nathan. The news was so awesome that I copied and pasted it...

"Merry Christmas!We have terrific news! Nathan is now officially CANCER FREE! As expected the doctors informed us today that his cancer is now in remission thanks to his aggresive treatment this last month. On friday his bone marrow test and spinal test showed no signs of Leukemia. Because of this Nathan will not need to undergo any radiation! Now this does not mean his treatment is over. He will still need to stay the plan which involves three years of treatment, however we now can say that the cancer is no longer winning and that we now have the upper hand! Caryn said that Nathan was excited to hear the news! He has been a real trooper these last few days. The other kids have been fighting "the beast" which is a nasty stomach virus that does not spread holiday cheer. Nathan has been isolated in his room away from the other lepers.With this good news Caryn and I would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a peaceful and Merry Christmas! We shall never forget your support and prayers! The Campbells"

What an amazing Christmas gift!

Friday, December 19, 2008

Almost Christmas

So my over-the-top intentions mixed with chronic procrastination has led to my downfall this holiday. I think it is one of my personality flaws that I cannot just do something... its all or nothing. If I am going to by Emilia a new kitchen set for Christmas, then I need to redecorate the entire playroom.... paint it... all new furniture... oh, and how about a mural on the wall? All because I am so bored and have NOTHING to do in my free time! One day I will learn, but in the meantime her new furniture is now hiding in our basement bathroom waiting to be put together. I have painted the background color on the playroom walls... which by the way... Valspar lied. They claim only one coat is needed. I am painting pale yellow over white and will be doing the 3rd coat tonight... ridiculous! In the meantime, we have displaced the playroom toys to other areas of our house because we do not want her in the playroom until Christmas morning. Emilia has preschool Monday, and my friend, Samantha, is coming over to help me finish things up. I am hoping to sketch the walls tomorrow night after I get home from work and then paint them Sunday night after work, and finish them on Monday...after my dentist appointment! Tuesday's weather really messed up my plans, because Emilia was supposed to go to school and I was going to a friends house to help paint, but instead Emilia and I stayed home until the late afternoon. When my dad got off work, he came over and we ran up to Target then met Chris, my mom, and my Uncle Danny for dinner at Atlanta Bread. My Uncle Danny lives in Tennessee and came up for the holidays. Wednesday evening, my Aunt Tammy and I went shopping, and ended up not getting home until almost 1 am, but we got all our shopping done, which was more important than sleep at this point! Thursday I kept Emilia home due to the potential ice storm that we never got. I was glad we didn't get it, but really needed her to be in school so I could finish a few things up for Christmas. My sister, Heather, ended up dropping my nephew, Hudson, off after lunch to nap and play for a bit. He and Emilia both took 2 hour naps, then were quite helpful with fixing dinner. Even though they are so close in age, Emilia feels the need to "boss" Hudson, and much to her pleasure... he doesn't mind. When he does, though, he just shoves her and runs off... then she tattles! It is actually quite humorous. When she tells on him I ask her if she was being nice. She says, "NO, I bossy." At least she is honest! This week was busy but fun, and thanks to online shopping during nap time, I think I have everything bought and even got it all wrapped today with the help of Emilia. She does the taping quite well... and picks out the ribbon color. It was a busy week, but still a nice break being out of school! Finally got my grades back... my huge paper I got a 99%. I ended up with A's in both classes.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Happy Birthday Ty!

My nephew Ty turned 13 last Friday and we had his family party last night.... because at 13 its not cool to invite the fam to you party with your friends! Emilia was suppose to have school today, but I decided not to venture out on this snowy mess, although I do still have a bit more Christmas shopping to do!

Friday, December 12, 2008

Tod Fox

Indroducing the newest addition to our family... Tod fox fish. Emilia named him... obviously. My sister, Heather, took her shopping this afternoon and called to let me know Emilia picked out a fish and wanted it to come home with her. So instead of telling her no, she let her pick out an aquarium. Thanks Heather! Due to her recent obsession with the movie, The Fox and the Hound... she came up with the name Tod Fox fish. His home is on my kitchen counter right now, because I don't know where else to put him!


Our family of 3 will soon be 4... I will post pics later!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008


I was hoping to get to take Emilia outside to play in the snow today, but it was SOOO cold out! She was staring longingly out the back patio door... it was very sad. So what do you do when you want to go outside to play in the snow, but it it too cold to actually BE outside? You bring the snow inside! I am not even kidding! We grabbed one of my mixing bowls, opened the back door and from the warmth of my kitchen she used my measuring cups and scooped snow until her bowel was full. We then took the bowl up to the counter and she sat there and played with it until most of it had melted or she had eaten it... gross I know, but by the time I saw what she was doing... damage was done! She had a blast, but when she was done her hands were blue, so we had hot chocolate and marshmallows to warm them up.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Winter Wonderland

It is official, I have to put my flip flops away... as soon as they thaw! It's snowing! I was glad I decided to keep Emilia home today so we weren't out driving in this, but it is beautiful to watch from the window with a warm cup of coffee! I worked all weekend and yesterday, so Emilia and I have been just hanging out today... relaxing! It has been nice. I still have one final paper to complete, but the biggest one is finished and turned in, so that is a huge relief. I should get the other one completed tomorrow, hopefully. One of my girlfriends, Samantha, is coming over for dinner tonight and to hang out for a bit. I put a brisket in the oven earlier and now its making me quite hungry since my whole house is filling with the aroma! Emilia and I played with play do this morning, and she wanted to make a whole Christmas scene. We made a tree, a snowman, a reindeer... Santa didn't turn out so well though. I finally gave in and mixed colors, though. I know it sounds crazy, but one of my pet peeves is colors of play do mixed. I throw it away. Emilia usually only plays with one color at a time, but how can you make a snowman without coal eyes?What kind of mom does not let her daughter mix play do? I have vowed it will no longer be me, so mix away, Emilia. I might still throw it away, though! Here's a pic of her masterpiece, Frosty. And in case you were wondering, Emilia informed me that Frosty does, infact, have a tail!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Christmas tree Petition

I am petitioning to keep our Christmas tree up year round... not sure if the husband will go for it, but maybe if I present it from the angle that he will not have to take it down... or put it up next year......

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Christmas lights

Chris had to work late tonight, so my brother in law, Markus, picked me and Emilia up to go see Christmas in the Park. I have not been in years, but Emilia and Lily loved it. Garrett thought it was great for about 2 minutes, but then was over it! Boys!

Monday, December 1, 2008

December is here!

Happy December 1st... winter is almost here! This weekend was busy at work, and not only was it busy, but I ended up working night shift... yuck! I do not miss those. We had too many nurses on day shift and not enough on nights, so my boss asked me if I would switch, and I am not good at saying no when I know we have so many babies at work and so few nurses! So I worked Friday night and Saturday night. I was able to sleep all day Saturday, but only slept part of the day Sunday. It was nice to have Sunday afternoon off, though I was so tired I did not get much accomplished. Sunday night was movie night, so we all piled in the couch in our pjs for a riveting movie... Ice Age! Obviously Emilia's pick!