Wednesday, December 10, 2008


I was hoping to get to take Emilia outside to play in the snow today, but it was SOOO cold out! She was staring longingly out the back patio door... it was very sad. So what do you do when you want to go outside to play in the snow, but it it too cold to actually BE outside? You bring the snow inside! I am not even kidding! We grabbed one of my mixing bowls, opened the back door and from the warmth of my kitchen she used my measuring cups and scooped snow until her bowel was full. We then took the bowl up to the counter and she sat there and played with it until most of it had melted or she had eaten it... gross I know, but by the time I saw what she was doing... damage was done! She had a blast, but when she was done her hands were blue, so we had hot chocolate and marshmallows to warm them up.

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