Okay, before I even begin Emilia's birthday post with this song playing I will explain that while a weird musical choice for my 3 year old's birthday posting... I grew up to my dad singing this song ("Betty Davis eyes" and "you are my sunshine")to me because I had big violet colored eyes (which did not stay that way)... and this weekend was his birthday also... 61 and counting! Happy birthday dad and I still have such fond memories of these songs! I sing them to Emilia and hope she will remember the same... love you dad! And on to the birthday girl....
As tradition in the Hensley family (that's my maiden name :) ) and now in the Jenkins family, Emilia's birthday festivities spanned multiple days. Turning 3 is quite the big deal and to celebrate her 3 years we opted for 3 parties... one at school, one at home with our family, and one with her friends. Thursday was her school party and she was so excited to decorate the cupcakes for it. As much as I wanted to make them a bit more "fancy," I handed the task over to Emilia and let her pick EVERYTHING... clear down to the color of sprinkles and toppings. She really enjoyed it and here are her masterpieces...
Her family party was Friday evening. It was so stinking hot, but we opted to grill out anyway, but kept the party mainly inside in the air conditioning this year! I let Emilia pick out what cake she wanted on the internet, and then tried to replicate it. To my rescue was my elementary school partner in crime, Aunt Jenny. Just as I put Emilia down for a nap on Friday, Jen called and said she was bringing Chipotle and coming to help me... I have the best friends! Jen has no kiddos of her own but does amazingly well with Emilia (and Emilia has been quite obsessed with Jen since we went to her house for dinner last week)! I gave Jen the messiest task... rolling the waffle cones in agave nectar and sprinkles... hey she offered!
Her finished product was quite impressive. The recipe recommended using honey, but since Emilia is allergic to honey, we chose the agave nectar. It was a bit more difficult, though, since it is a lot more runny than honey... hey that rhymes! :)
After all these years of knowing my germaphobic ways, I still caught her doing this... you gotta love her!
Our finished masterpiece....
Here was my other rescuing friend who showed up before the party to actually get Emilia ready for her party while I cooked dinner. Samantha and I have been friends since junior high and were college room mates. She spends quite a bit of time with us and Emilia claims her as "my Mantha!"
PS... does anybody see a growing tummy on this little mama??? 14 weeks and counting!
While I could go on and on with photos from the party ( I took around 200) I have chosen to just post the highlights and pics of some of the fam....
Uncle Danny
Pam and Tom
my dad
Time for cake!
Isaac, Britney, Emilia, Lily, Hudson, and Ian
Sweet boy waiting for his cake!
Singing Happy Birthday to Emilia
Making wishes
Sharing stolen candies
Decorating... not an issue, but now how to cut the cake... a problem!
Heather, Melissa and me
And now for presents...
her birthday card had a crown on it!
Hudson taking an important phone call in the middle of the present unwrapping!
Hannah was Emilia's helper
The night ended with snuggles in mommy's bed...
It was a great party and most of our family was able to come... along with a few friends that are considered family. It is hard to believe that she is already turning 3... today I had to work and just happened to be working on the same row as the nurse that cared for her exactly 3 years ago today. It was very surreal and even made me a bit sick to think of where we were 3 years ago today. Emilia was 2 days old and being placed on the ventilator. Her central lines were placed and she received her first blood transfusion as we patiently awaited for a cranial, abdominal, and sacral ultrasounds to check for bleeding or abnormalities. Something no parent should ever go through and yet I return to work to re-live this experience over and over again. Three years ago today she did not even have a name and I had yet to even hold her. My heart goes out to any family that is forced into the NICU experience, and I can only pray their outcomes are that of a happy and healthy child as Chris and I have been so lucky to have. Every child, while born sick or healthy, is such a miracle and we are so grateful to have our own 3 year old miracle to remind us daily of the blessings God holds for us!
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