Monday, April 6, 2009

Funny conversations

My daughter has always been a bit silly, but lately the conversations have been quite funny and quite insightful on her part... here's a couple examples... I was sitting at the table talking to my mom and said, "I ran into Claire the other day." Emilia said, "on facebook?" I said, "No, at Target." She then wanted to know which Target and nodded knowingly when I replied that it was at the one in Overland Park. She simply replied, "OH.... Overland Park Target... you funny, Momma!" Then this morning we were in the car together and she asked me why she remembered the words to the song "God is so good." I didn't understand what she was asking me, so I said, "What do you mean... did you forget the words?" She said,"No, Momma, I sing..." and she proceeded to sing several songs she knows and she wanted to know the logistics of why she remembered the words. I then explained when we hear or sing a song over and over, then our brain remembers the music and the words. She seemed satisfied with that answer at first, but watching her in my rear view mirror, I could tell more questions were on the way. She then asks me, "WHY my brain remember? How it do that?" I then quickly explained to my 2 year old that there is a thing in your brain called the hippocampus that allows you brain to store information for a short time and you may forget those things, or it will put it into a special place in your brain that will let you remember it for a long lime, like remembering songs, people's names, where things are in your house... lots of things. She simply looked at me and said, "Momma, you too funny...I not a hippo, I a big girl." TOO FUNNY!

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