Monday, April 13, 2009


Easter Morning
Emilia's Easter Basket For my little gardener
Easter gift from Uncle Tom, Aunt Pam, Payton and Uncle Danny Pretty girl
(see slide show at the bottom of the posting to view how many "poses" she had to do to get this shot)

Easter Dinner at Aunt Tammy's Some of the Fam This was the 1st Easter I have had to work ever, so I was quite bummed to not be able to go to church with Chris and Emilia, but there is an end to working weekends coming very soon... July 12th to be exact... not that I am counting the days or anything! Anyways, when I got home late from work Saturday night Emilia was already in bed, so that gave me the chance to get her Easter basket put together and her clothes layed out for church. She wore a dress that my niece, Hannah, wore for Easter when she was three, so Emilia thought is was quite special that Hannah "gave" her that dress. Chris and Emilia went to church and then surprised me and came by for lunch... yummy cafeteria food for Easter lunch, but actually it wasn't too bad. Chris took Emilia home for a nap, then went to my family's Easter dinner and then to his sister's house for a bit. When I got home from work (late again) she was already in bed... bummer! This week I have high ambitions to get a lot accomplished. I have to convert my 7 page paper to 15 pages... not sure how! I thought 7 was sufficient since there was no length criteria posted, and then another student asked her how long it should be so last week she posted the criteria of 15 pages... seriously? I thought this one was done! For this semester I only have 2 other shorter papers and 1 final test to complete and I am looking forward to a couple week break before summer semester begins. This semester has been easier than last semester, but I think that has allowed me to procrastinate more... never good! Then my niece, Erika, is in town for a couple days so hopefully I will get to see her for a bit today. Her grandpa had a heart attack and is in the ICU at my work, but seems to be doing much better now. I think she is leaving town tonight or tomorrow. I am off to work on my paper, but I will post Easter photos later! I hope everybody had a wonderful Easter! Emilia posing for daddy.... she definitely loves the camera and has many silly faces... made me laugh!

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