Tuesday, October 7, 2008


I have to admit that I panicked a bit when I hopped online yesterday to see how the market and my 401k were doing... not good. Then this morning I received an email from a family that I cared for in the NICU. Their little guy went home about a month ago but we have stayed in touch. He was readmitted to the hospital last night for breathing difficulty... he had been sent home on oxygen. This news came after I learned this weekend that another little girl I cared for is back in the hospital on a ventilator, and another little baby girl, Sofia miller (http://www.babymiller08.blogspot.com), has had a possible reherniation of her diaphragmatic hernia. All that to say I am sure these families could care less what the stock market was doing yesterday and hearing these things put everything in perspective for me. Right now I just feel so blessed for having such a healthy child, a wonderful husband, a home, a great job... so many thing that are easy to take for granted. Please keep these families and the staff caring for these little ones in your thoughts and prayers... may God pour his blessings into the lives of these families.

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