Friday, October 10, 2008

Pumpkin Patch

Yesterday was Emilia's preschools' trip to the pumpkin patch and Chris and I went as chaperons. Emilia was so funny when we took the hay ride out to the field to pick out her own pumpkin. I kept asking her, "how about this one?" and she would say "NO! It's dirty Mama!" Finally Chris cleaned one off and she "found it"... a nice clean pumpkin. She is so my child! There was so much to do there, but she faded fast. We left there at 2pm and she was asleep before we even got out of the parking lot. My nephews, Garrett and Hudson both go to preschool there also so they rode with us, and the ride home was so quiet with them all asleep. They all had fun, though, and each came home with a shiny clean pumpkin! Chris decided last night that since the weather was so nice, we needed to do hit golf balls so he could try out his new set of clubs. My sister, Heather, and her husband and kids went with us. Her husband is really good at golf, and has already taught my 7 year old niece how to play... she is actually really good! This was Emilia's 1st time to the driving range, and she seemed to like being able to hit balls with what she called a "golf stick." Once she found the sandpit nearby, her interest in golfing quickly faded!

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