Thursday, October 30, 2008

Spider Webs

I love it when the spiders take the liberty of decorating my car and yard for Halloween. That's so sad that even the spiders know I will not get around to doing it. I just hope they clean up after themselves too! Actually we are planning on carving pumpkins tonight, so the spiders did jump the gun a bit! :) Emilia woke up with quite the nasty cough last night, so we had a fun morning at the pediatritian's office. So I paid for a visit for them to tell me push fluids and bring her back if she runs a fever for more than 3-5 days. She also had fluid in her ears, but again, they didn't want to do anything because they were not infected. SO... basically we spent the morning in the peds office just to expose her to the 5 kids with pink eye sitting out in the waiting room with us! Luckily she touched nothing... we even brought her own books to look at, so we should be good! I am almost done with my 2nd mid term paper, just in time to complete the power point project that is due next week. It will be nice to have most of December off before spring semester, and I am sure Emilia would like to see her mom without her laptop :)! Chris took some vacation days this week and we have been such bums, which has been really nice. He had some meetings he had to attend today, but he's off again tomorrow, so if Emilia is feeling up to it, I think we are going furniture shopping. I have been looking for a new kitchen table for over a year now, but still can't find the right one. We'll see...

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