Saturday, November 8, 2008

Sick Saturday

I was bound to happen. After having Emilia coughing and rubbing her snotty nose on me last week, and after lack of sleep due to her being up at night... I discovered I am not invincible, but am instead sicker than a dog! I actually called in sick to work today because I was coughing so badly, and who wants a sick nurse taking care of their premature infant? I have horrible asthma, and this has definitely aggrivated it to the point my inhaler is my new best friend. Since my Saturdays off are so few and far between (I only get 4 days off a year with the weekend option position), I did not waste the day laying in bed. Emilia and I instead tried out our baking skills in the kitchen, and made pumpkin bread... my fav!
Here's some photos from Garrett's 5th birthday party last week that I thought I had already posted!
Click to play Garrett's 5th B-day
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