Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Chris has his wisdom teeth out today, and I was so nervous you would have thought I was the one going for surgery! He's never been under anesthesia before and I kept thinking of all the things that could go wrong. It didn't help that his surgeon came in and verbalized those fears... holes in the sinus cavities, permanent nerve damage, "adverse" anesthesia effects... never good. My confidence was not boosted when the surgeon missed the IV the 1st time. I have started IVs on babies weighing 1 lb, and he missed a hose like that? Lucky for the surgeon I knew him before today! The orthodontist office I used to work for referred surgery cases to him all the time, and he actually did my little nephew's surgery. Everything went well, though. It took 1 1/2 hours, and he said Chris would be quite sore due to the positioning of the teeth. Lucky for him he has his own private 24 hour nurse at home that makes killer milk shakes!

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