Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Help relieve the pain

So today was another tough day.  Elizabeth is still dealing with a lot of pain and the doctor didn't offer any other ways to help relieve the pain.  She was only prescribed about 4 days worth of pain medicine.  So, Elizabeth has not been taking as much as prescribed and spreading them out a bit farther so that she will have some sort of pain medication for more than the four days prescribed. She doesn't want to take it all these first few days and not have anything for any pain relief later. This was one of the main concerns that she shared with the doctor before the surgery in hopes of being able to get back to clinicals late next week. She wanted to make sure that the pain would be under control in the beginning so that she could rest and hopefully heal quickly.  I just can't figure out why a doctor would only prescribe four days of medication after a serious surgery while another doctor would prescribe a whole month worth of medication when we were under the impression that the bulging discs were causing the problems. So please continue to pray that God will help relieve the pain and let her rest and heal quickly and completely.  Thank you so much to everyone that has called and brought dinners by. 


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